Friday 11 February 2011

Charity Update

In recognition that a good few people are hopefully opting to give to Galmi hospital in lieu of wedding gifts, we'd just ask that if you do, please let us know so that we can thank you properly! Get in touch via the e-mail address (see RSVP section) or by text or whatever. Thanks again!

Monday 24 January 2011


The good news - anyone who's coming up to the Radisson for the evening meal is entitled to some discounted bed & breakfast! The figures might not be 100% accurate as they're from memory (pretty close though).

See the Radisson's website here. If you scout around, there are a couple of other deals to be found for people wanting to stay a little longer, or whatever.

Single room B&B - £67.50
Double/Twin roon B&B - £97.50.

We reckon all one needs to do is phone the hotel, referencing us and the date. We've provisionally asked them to set aside up to ten rooms, so get cracking if you're interested - the pool is somewhat awesome and free to use. If there's any trouble with that method, let us know and we'll get it sorted.

Sunday 23 January 2011


If you've received your invite and wish to RSVP by e-mail, you can do so by clicking here.

Don't forget to include any dietary requirements if needed!

Tuesday 18 January 2011


Rather than having a set wedding list, we have chosen to nominate a particular charity for donations. We do not expect any gifts, but if you wish you can make a donation to this cause.

In the summers of 2008 and 2009, Ruth worked at SIM's (Serving in Mission) Galmi Hospital in Niger, west Africa. Niger is bottom of the Human Development Index globally. In fact, unless you're one of the few in the uranium trade, there's not a lot of hope for many of its citizens, particularly due to recent drought and political upheaval.

Galmi hospital is particularly important, as for a huge swathe of the country it offers the only real medical support, particularly for any kind of specialist care. As a Christian hospital right in the country's heart, there is a huge need for the competent and compassionate medical care provided.

You can read more about the work at Galmi here. Donations can be given to us (just mark them in some way as being for Galmi, and we'll collect them all up for delivery.)

Alternatively, you can make an online donation through the SIM UK website here - quoting Galmi Hospital and SIM Project # NE-84400 when prompted.


Wedding service at Knockbreda Church of Ireland, Belfast:

View Diocese of Down & Dromore in a larger map

Evening meal at Radisson Blu Roe Park Resort, Limavady, BT49 9LB:

View Larger Map

For the really lazy, here's the route between the two, BUT NOTE. We've highlighted the route through Coleraine (the better road) which is a little longer (about 1hr 40 mins.) It's quicker to go the backroads, i.e. the road from Belfast to Derry/Londonderry, and turn off at Dungiven - but the roads are a bit more "rural"...

View Larger Map